Con la sua lunetta piatta a gradini e la cassa completamente rotonda, questo Omega sembra un UFO (o come dicono i francesi, OVNI/Objet Volant Non-Identifié) ma bellissimo.replica rolex Per restare in termini orologieri, la sua forma ricorda il “Disco Volante” – “disco volante”, termine usato per descrivere diversi Patek Philippe sovradimensionati degli anni '50.

Standing Tall Comedy Night with Igodye (Zurich)

  • Posted by: joelegacy

LOVE EXPLOSION With Joe Legacy & Friends

  • Posted by: joelegacy

A Night With Joe Legacy

  • Posted by: joelegacy


  • Posted by: joelegacy

Summer Slam with Goya Menor

  • Posted by: joelegacy

Back to School concert

  • Posted by: joelegacy

AVC Event (Privat)

  • Posted by: joelegacy
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